Welcome to Our Newly Improved Office!

As your family has grown over the years so has Hatboro Pediatrics! We appreciate your patience during the period of construction and renovation and are proud to introduce to you the new Hatboro Pediatrics space.
We have restructured the way our patients and families enter the practice. The sick patient entrance is now on the leftmost side of the practice with the well patient entrance to the right. Overhead and door signage makes it easy for you to know which is the right entrance for you. This separation along with 24-hour surveillance and a front door protocol is to ensure the health and safety of your family, our staff and the rest of our patients and families.
Highlights of What’s New at Hatboro Pediatrics
Highlights of What’s New at Hatboro Pediatrics
We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our newly improved state-of-the-art office.