Influenza update
INFLUENZA UPDATE While this flu season has not been quite as severe as seasons past, there has been a recent rise in a less [...]
Measles Outbreak
I am sure most of you have heard by now about the measles outbreak in Washington State. The majority of the cases there are [...]
Winter Weather
Winter weather is here! It is important to dress your children appropriately! When going outside, wearing multiple thin layers will keep them warm and [...]
Screen Time
The American Academy of Pediatrics has updated information on children and the use of video games, computer games, television and computer use. For children [...]
Attitude of Gratitude
Have you heard of “The Attitude of Gratitude”? Since the holidays are quickly approaching, let’s think about it! Many children in this day and [...]
Cold vs. Flu
Cold vs. Flu Hopefully by now, you and your children have had your flu vaccines! If not, it is not too late. Children, the [...]